National media outlets featured and cited UNL sources on a number of occasions through the month of October. Among the appearances:
A study led by Scott Stoltenberg, psychology, finding a genetic link between anxiety and people’s willingness to help others, was reported by many outlets, including the Huffington Post on Oct. 17, Discovery.com on Oct. 17, and Medical News Today on Oct. 20.
http://go.unl.edu/af3z | http://go.unl.edu/0gf8 | http://go.unl.edu/o4co
A survey of students’ digital habits by Barney McCoy, journalism, was covered in France, England and China, not to mention countless outlets across the U.S. The story broke on Oct. 18 and was still getting coverage in early November.
http://go.unl.edu/ovrf | http://go.unl.edu/u5d9 | http://go.unl.edu/ri9y
An eye-tracking study by Sarah Gervais and Mike Dodd, psychology, that showed that both men and women check out women’s bodies, was widely covered by major media outlets around the world. The study was published Oct. 29 in the academic journal Sex Roles. It was covered by USA Today, Time, Jezebel, CBS News, the Today Show, and numerous TV news stations across the country. http://go.unl.edu/cpmd | http://go.unl.edu/uxsn | http://go.unl.edu/ktge
The return of “Black Elk Speaks” to the University of Nebraska Press catalog after a five-year absence was reported by Inside Higher Ed on Oct. 1. http://go.unl.edu/ggyd
HLN’s “Rivalry Express” visited campus on Oct. 3 to cover homecoming activities in advance of the football game between UNL and the University of Illinois. http://go.unl.edu/2b5f
John Hibbing and Kevin Smith, political science, continued to appear throughout October on syndicated radio programs and blogs discussing their book, “Predisposed: Liberals Conservatives and the Biology of Political Differences,” published in September. Hibbing also was quoted in a Oct. 3 Kansas City Star story about those in Congress who were turning down their salaries during the government shutdown. He described it as “a ploy.” http://go.unl.edu/0gek | http://go.unl.edu/cxej | http://go.unl.edu/ap2f
A study on why women choose adoption, by Patricia Wonch Hill and Nicholas Park, sociology, was covered in the Imperial Valley News on Oct. 26. Park since has joined the faculty at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. http://go.unl.edu/h8jr
In an Oct. 28 CNN article, Wheeler Winston Dixon, film studies, offered his opinion why movies like “The Counselor” flop despite having famous stars, marquee-level scriptwriters and appealing story lines. http://go.unl.edu/p2bu
Frans von der Dunk, law, discussed how insurance might cover space tourism in an Oct. 14 NerdWallet blog post. http://go.unl.edu/52en
In an Oct. 16 Wallet Hub post, Gordon V. Karels, finance, talked about the possible consequences if the U.S. defaulted on its federal debt during the debate over raising the debt ceiling. http://go.unl.edu/ezw3
This is a monthly column featuring UNL faculty, administrators and staff in the national news. National media often work with University Communications to identify and connect with UNL sources for the purpose of including the university’s research, expertise and programming in published or broadcasted work.
Faculty, administration, student and staff appearances in the national media are logged at http://newsroom.unl.edu/inthenews/ . If you have additions to this list or suggestions for national news stories, contact Leslie Reed at lreed5@unl.edu or 402-472-2059.