Members of the campus community are invited to tour the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Police Department’s updated dispatch center on Feb. 22.
The open house is at the department’s headquarters, 300 N. 17th St., from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. During the event, individuals can tour the dispatch center and enjoy light refreshments.
The updates were one of Sara Haake’s priorities when she was named dispatch director in December 2021.
“Over the last year, our dispatch center and front lobby have undergone major updates,” Haake said. “This remodel project has been the result of countless hours and the dedication of multiple UNL staff members. We are finally at a place where we would like to share our new environment with university community members.”

The dispatch center fields 1,500 calls per month, and the officers responded to 3,894 calls for service in 2022. By upgrading the dispatch center’s consoles, the unit will benefit from improved accessibility, increased comfort, easier IT management and increased capacity.
“I just wanted to make sure that we had the best tools available to us to maximize our space,” Haake said.
The highlights of the upgrades included greater technological access, greater comfortability and greater accessibility.
“We want our UNLPD stakeholders to be the first ones to see this improvement and investment in our team,” Haake said. “We know that technology waits for no one, and I feel that this remodel has poised us to provide the best dispatch support that we can. The center is responsive to individual team members and makes our work as efficient as possible.
“None of this work could have been completed without our internal staff’s dedication, flexibility and perseverance. I am honored to be a part of this team and witness the grace that has been demonstrated during this prolonged transition.”
Those attending are asked to RSVP by Feb. 20, via email to sara.haake@unl.edu or by calling 402-472-8418.