To meet varying on-campus work needs, Parking and Transit Services offers multiple parking permit options.
Any vehicle parked in a designated campus area, including surface lots and parking garages, must display a valid permit. The following options are available:
Standard parking permits
These permits apply to identified surface or garage parking for the selected purchase period. Cost is prorated accordingly. Permit options are detailed here, and can be purchased online. Permit decals or hang tags will be mailed to the address provided during the purchase process. An email confirming the permit purchase will be sent, which will include a link to a printable temporary permit. Users should print the temporary permit and display on the vehicle dashboard until the regular permit arrives in the mail.
Occasional single day permit set
Occasional Parking Permit packets for Area A provide access for 10 single parking days, with a date selection capability. Order these permits online and they will be mailed.
Temporary parking permits
Temporary Parking Permits include one day, one week, two weeks, three weeks and one month options. They are available for Area A, faculty and staff parking lots; and Area P, perimeter parking lots. Temporary Parking Permits can be ordered online, printed at home or the office and displayed on the vehicle dashboard.
For additional information, call Parking and Transit Services at 402-472-1800.