The artistic director of the Lied Center for Performing Arts and a junior UNL English education major have been selected to join the ranks of speakers at the 2013 TEDxLincoln event.
The Nov. 1 event is about coming together to share ideas worth spreading. This year’s program, “Seeking Brilliance, Pioneering Change,” brought speaker applications from all corners of the community. The selection process for speakers began with the question “What makes your idea worth sharing?”
Chang’s talk, titled “Big Goals Not Required: Not a Great Graduation Speech,” will center on Chang’s philosophies and personal experiences around setting and achieving goals.
Bretz’s talk, titled, “Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall,” is about living fully through intentional interaction with differences – and her plan to reinvent the way that interaction works.
TEDxLincoln takes place from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Studio One at Nebraska Educational Telecommunications, 1800 N. 33rd St. View a live stream of the event here and find more details about the event here.