The University of Nebraska State Museum’s June Sunday with a Scientist program for children and families will explore storm water management in Lincoln. The program will take place Sunday, June 14, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Morrill Hall.
UNL landscape architect Emily Casper will help visitors explore how storm water management in an urban environment such as city streets and plazas can be implemented using silva cells — a suspended pavement system that uses soil volumes to support large tree growth and provide powerful on-site storm water management. Joined by design landscape architects from Clark Enersen Partners, Casper will lead children and families on tours every 30 minutes beginning at 2 p.m. to UNL’s Love Library to view an in-progress construction project. In the museum, families can learn more about the silva cell cross section, investigate the special soil mix used for storm water management and preview other city projects.
Sunday with a Scientist is a series of presentations highlighting the work of scientists while educating children and families on topics related to science and natural history. Presenters share scientific information in a fun, informal way through demonstrations and activities or by conducting science on site. Sunday with a Scientist typically takes place on the third Sunday of each month.
For more information on the program, including upcoming topics, go to http://www.museum.unl.edu.