The Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute is offering a new series designed to bring together University of Nebraska colleagues from diverse fields with a shared interest in water and food research. The “Transdisciplinary Conversations” should allow campus scientists to gather informally, discuss cross-cutting questions and explore new directions for collaborative research.
The first “Transdisciplinary Conversations” event is 4:30 to 6 p.m., Sept. 25 at the Wick Alumni Center. Light food and drinks will be served.
This event is open to faculty, staff and students. However, space is limited. Advance registration is required. To attend, RSVP at http://waterforfood.nebraska.edu/event.php?eventID=690.
A brief, informal talk will be given by UNL’s Sheri Fritz, a professor in earth and atmospheric sciences and biological sciences. She will share her experience building successful transdisciplinary collaborations on projects linking geologic and climatic history with ecological and evolutionary processes.
Other upcoming events in the “Transdisciplinary Conversations” series will be Oct. 24 and Nov. 20, both at the Wick Alumni Center.